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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Literaturimport + (Self Driving Cars. Future has already begun)
- Literaturimport + (Self-Driving Cars: Diffusion of Radical Innovations and Technology Acceptance)
- Literaturimport + (Simulation einer urbanen Mobilitätslösung basierend auf autonom fahrenden E-Robotertaxen in München)
- Literaturimport + (Strategie automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren. Leitanbieter bleiben, Leitmarkt werden, Regelbetrieb einleiten)
- Literaturimport + (Testing autonomous driving vehicles in a mixed environment with pedestrians and bicycles)
- Literaturimport + (The Integration of Driverless Vehicles in Commercial Carsharing Schemes in Germany A Prefeasibility Study)
- Literaturimport + (The Revolutionary Development of Self-Driving Vehicles and Implications for the Transportation Engineering Profession)
- Literaturimport + (The Travel and Environmental Implications of Shared Autonomous Vehicles, Using Agent-Based Model Scenarios)
- Literaturimport + (Towards Safe and Efficient Driver through Vehicle Automation: The Dutch Automated Vehicle Initiative)
- Literaturimport + (Tracking & Hacking: Security & Privacy Gaps Put American Drivers at Risk)
- Literaturimport + (Urban Mobility System Upgrade. How shared self-driving cars could change city traffic)
- Literaturimport + (Users’ Preferences towards Automated Road Public Transport: Results from European Surveys)
- Literaturimport + („Autonomes Fahren im Stadt- und Regionalverkehr“. Memorandum für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätsentwicklung aus der integrierten Sicht der Verkehrswissenschaft)