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Driverless vehicles to "plug multiple gaps" in transport networks.
PresseDatum Juni 30, 2016  +
PresseInhalt The steady march of Autonomous Vehicle (AV
The steady march of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) passenger shuttles is continuing with Transdev, the huge private-sector operator of multiples modes of transport forming its own Autonomous Vehicle Group. Transdev operates transportation including bus, rail, streetcar, paratransit, shuttle, and sedan and taxi services in 19 countries. ... Transdev's current AV operations carry 4,000 passengers per day in two locations. In Rotterdam, Netherlands, Transdev's 1.1-mile route links a metro station to a business park. In Civaux in France Transdev operates the first commercial autonomous fleet in France on a 1.5-mile route at a nuclear power plant. Additional programs are underway in two French cities. In the U.S., pilot programs featuring Trandev's ( @transdev ) AV turnkey solution are in development in campus environments and other selected communities. ... Transdev is also partnered with Securing America's Future Energy, a non-partisan non-profit working to reduce oil dependence. Transdev and SAFE have sponsored a study to identify the public health benefits that autonomous vehicles could bring as a result of sharply reduced traffic accidents and lower emissions.
ced traffic accidents and lower emissions.  +
PresseLink  +
PresseMedium SmartRail World  +
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11:28:56, 6 Juli 2016  +
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Driverless vehicles to "plug multiple gaps" in transport networks. +
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Driverless vehicles to "plug multiple gaps" in transport networks. + Artikel
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